Sunday, January 11, 2009

"That guy"

I was hanging out with one of my best friends last night. Derrek and I were at the Bayou joking around and having a good time with his girlfriend Erica, his cousin and Erica's friend Josh from Boston. I started the usual banter I do with anyone from Boston by making snide comments about how much the Red Sox suck and yadda yadda... turns out he doesn't like baseball. Therefore i needed to find something else to occupy my mind and mischief.

Derrek's cousin rescued my inner child by ordering a bowl full of jalapeños. Now I have been known to be a spicy food junky from time to time so my first thought is "oh good these should be tasty." My lack of respect for the jalapeños was a mistake i paid for.

It all started with our waitress who wasn't very cute, but when I'm feelin' left out cause Derrek is with a girl i start to flirt... it's a bad habit of mine but whatever. She brings the jalapeños and then pulls out a handful of change offering to anyone dumb enough to eat a whole jalapeño. As any of you people know guys turn into complete jackasses when faced with a challenge in front of girls, regardless of how little or much attraction there is to any particular girl in the vicinity. So like the jackass I am I take the challenge on. Here were my symptoms : 1: Left eye watering like a hose ( i don't know why just the left but it was) 2: MASSIVE hiccups. One unfathomable to me is how i get the hiccups anytime something spicy is consumed rapidly. This one sucked ass cause as much as i held my breath or drank water, like the pressures of strict Mormonism creeping into my life, they just wouldn't go away. 3: Josh turned to me and said "oh wow, so you're 'that guy'". KICK ASS!

So here is one thing I have realized in my life. Part of me considers this pathetic but part of me can't help but go with it. I've always wanted to be "that guy". The logical part of me often fights with and hates the passionate side of me. This is one battle that in my world is Epic. Looking at that guy in high school who's dad gave him a Porche and he drove it to school acting like he was a hard-ass. That guy in my fraternity who had a mullet and still got chicks. That guy i heard about who liquidated his entire life and put it all on black in Vegas and won. There are a few people in the world who probably consider me "that guy" but I suppose if I'm "that guy" to myself that's all that matters.

I had a scare on Friday where for about 2 hours there was a miscommunication where I thought i had just lost control over my company that i founded. I went through the mourning process of denial then anger then sadness then acceptance or whatever, and when I got to the end of the mini mourning i decided I was moving to Brazil. I was going to go home, pack up some shit, get in my car and drive. Deactivate my phone, tell my close ones i loved them and sever all ties i had to a previous life since to date my company defines about 80 percent of who I am and what I think about. To my surprise I was becoming REALLY excited! I didn't know what i was going to do for money or a place to stay or ANYTHING and I was getting more excited about the idea by the minute. After some more look into things that wasn't the case and I was simply being stupid to think I was losing control, but I realized something about myself. Perhaps I AM "that guy". You know, that guy who just up and disappeared off the face of the planet one day because he could. Sounds like a little slice of heaven and I really started to make plans of doing it.

So a quick pat on the back to me for maybe, just maybe being "that guy"

1 comment:

  1. Mike, you are "that guy," as much as you can intelligently be that guy. It comes in degrees. By that I mean you are that guy to many people. You said "screw college" and started your own successful company. To many people you are automatically "that guy" for doing that! It takes real cojones to go against the advice of everyone you respect, and a lifetime of training, at the same time.

    You are also "that guy" for not crumbling to the pressure of early marriage in this society. You follow your own every way; spiritually, monetarily, socially. To most people YOU ARE "that guy."

    The thing is, you know and I know that for every one of those guys that goes out, throws caution to the wind, and kicks ass...there are ten others that tried it and blew it. The guy that won everything on black didn't do anything different than the guy that lost everything on red.

    Being "that guy" is admirable, because it takes courage to do something different, go against the norm, and take a real risk. At the same time, the real winner is the man that balances his courage, and willingness to risk, with real intelligence. Knowing when to be "that guy" and when to be a more cautious is a gift.

    I like you just the way you are, a fantastic dichotomy of "that guy" and intelligence. Intuition and analysis. Bad ass enough to get props, and smart enough to not screw yourself over.
